Parade/Street Closure Permit

Parade/Street Closure Permit

The Town of Kersey requires a Parade/Street Closure Permit (free of charge) for any business, organization or group wishing to conduct a parade, procession or other event on public streetways. 

The Town of Kersey hereby grants permission to hold and conduct a parade, procession or other event upon a selected portion of public streetways in the Town of Kersey.  

The permit is subject to the following conditions:

  • No portion of the parade shall be permitted to travel on 1st St. or Hill St. 
  • No portion of the parade shall be allowed to travel on Highway 34.
  • Parade shall not be held after sunset.
  • There shall be a lead and chase vehicle provided. 
  • Children stationed on moving vehicles shall be stationary and under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times.
  • No candy, or any other object, shall be 'thrown' to spectators from a moving vehicle. Any objects distributed by members of a parade group must be handed out along the parade route. 
  • All parade participants, vendors or stations set up on portions of the public street must allow ample space for emergency vehicles to access roadways. 
  • All trash and equipment used during the event must be removed upon completion of the event end time. 
  • All street markings must be approved by the Town of Kersey; no spray paint or any material that will 'stain' the public roadways is allowed. 
  • Event signs CANNOT be attached to any public street or Town sign posts or panels; all event signs must have stand on their own posts or stands. 
For further clarifications on expectations or allowances, please contact us at Town Hall: 970-396-1138

Parade/Street Closure Permit Application