Frequently Asked Questions


Am I required to attend court?
No, you're not required to attend if you have been issued a "PENALTY ASSESSMENT" citation. If there is a fine amount listed on your citation, you may pay the fine and your attendance in court is not required.

Yes, you are required to attend court if you have been issues a "SUMMONS" citation. In this case, no fine amount will be indicated on the citation and your attendance in court is required.


What if I cannot make my court date?
Kersey Municipal Court will grant a one-time courtesy continuance to the next available court date.

Please send your request for continuance to In your request please include your full name, citation number, state your request for continuation, and a statement that you understand you are waiting your right to a speedy trial.

Payment Plan

What if I need a payment plan?
If you are seeking a payment arrangement or payment plan, you must appear in court on your arraignment date the enter the request for a payment arrangement with the Judge. Judge Emil is the only Kersey Municipal Court personnel authorized to grant such requests.

Point Reduction

Point Reduction
Kersey Municipal Court offers the original plea deal as stated on your citation for penalty assessments.  If payment is made on the citation- in full- within 20 days of receiving the ticket, you shall receive a point reduction.

If you are requesting to make a plea for further reduction of points through Traffic School or Useful Public Service, you must appear in court on your arraignment date to petition your plea with the Town Prosecutor and the Judge. These requests are judged on a case by case basis, there is no guarantee your request or plea will be accepted.